Developer Support

Billing and Payments

About Payments and Billing

Important:Before you read this article, make sure you've read and understood the Partner Agreement, particularly Section 9: Pricing, Collection and Revenue Sharing.Once your app starts to generate revenue, ther

About the Payouts Dashboard

The payouts dashboard lets you view and manage your transactions and payouts in one handy place. If your Team Member role is 'Owner', you'll be able to access this from the sidebar under Managing Your App in th

About App Refunds

It’s totally up to you if you want to offer refunds for your app and you can do this directly from the Wix Developers Center (this feature is only accessible to Team Members defined as 'Owners').To do this:1. G

Set Up Your App Pricing

There are several ways to earn revenue from your app, each with its own benefits. This guide walks you through the options and tells you how to set them up.Important:Before you set up your app pricing make sure

Detect Paying Users

You can detect whether a user is a paying user by checking the vendorProductId parameter in the App Instance of your endpoints: If the value matches the Plan ID defined in the Wix Developers Center: this app

About Wix App Market Revenue Share Changes

From February 1st, 2022, we improved how we pay Wix App Market partners.Before then, Wix deducted a 6% processing fee from the revenue of every sale, and then split the remaining revenue 70/30 with partners.We

Partner Billed Apps Reporting

Important: Approval ProcessPartner Billed Apps need to be approved by the team. You can request approval by opening a support ticket.Partner Billed Apps – apps that charge users outside of the Wix Billing syste