Detect Paying Users

You can detect whether a user is a paying user by checking the vendorProductId parameter in the App Instance of your endpoints:
  1. If the value matches the Plan ID defined in the Wix Developers Center: this app has a paid plan, so activate your paid plan features (if you have more than one paid plan, the value indicates the specific paid plan).
  2. If the value is “null”: this app is free, so activate your app’s free features only.
You can also use your server component endpoint to get webhook notifications when users upgrade or cancel their paid plan.
Keep in mind that if users cancel their paid plan, the vendorProductId parameter will change to "null" when their plan expires. Check the vendorProductId parameter on every call.

Track your renewals

  1. There is currently no 'Renewal' webhook, so you need to call the getAppInstance endpoint.
  2. Note the following parameters in the response: "expiration date", "isFree"
  3. Every time there's a renewal, the "expiration date" parameter should update to reflect the new date
Expired subscription date, but user is still marked as premium
If the date expired, but the "isFree" parameter is still "False" - keep the user's subscription active. This means that the user has a billing issue and once he fixes the issue or cancels his subscription – the Instance will update.