Developer Support

OAuth, Permissions and Webhooks

Get Started with APIs

You can use our various APIs to access Wix users' site data (e.g., contacts, orders, etc.). To do so, site owners must grant you explicit permission to collect this data when installing your app. To ensure tha

Set Up OAuth, Permissions and Webhooks

Protecting user privacy is really important. If your app requires access to a site's private data (e.g., contacts, orders, etc.), site owners must give you permission to collect this data when they first instal

How to Add Permissions

You can view and manage user data – like an order made on a user's site – by subscribing to webhooks or calling our APIs. To access this data, users must give you permission to do so.The permissions you select

How to Set Up and Manage Webhooks

Webhooks listen to events in real-time so that we can notify you whenever something happens in your app or on a site that your app's installed on. Here are some examples: App events: when a user adds or remov

Allow Users to Manage the App Directly in Your Platform

Does your app allow users to manage back office tasks for their business or site? You can allow Wix users to do this directly in your platform, instead of their Wix Dashboard. When you create an external dashb

Verify Requests Received from Wix

When you receive a data payload from Wix, it includes a header called 'digest' – the header holds a JSON web token (JWT) with the signed data. Not familiar with JSON web tokens? Learn more about JWT before cont

Find Your App's Secret Key

Using OAuth to get access to user data? You'll need your app's secret key to get an access token to use our API.  Here's how to find the secret key: Go to your app's page in the Wix Developers Center. Click

Find Your App's Public Key

Subscribed to receive webhook events? Verify the signature for each request to check that it was sent by Wix. You’ll need your app’s public key to do so (formerly known as a verification token). This public ke

How to Set Up OAuth

If your app requires access to a site's private data (e.g., contacts, orders, etc.), site owners must give you permission to collect this data when they first install your app to their site. We use OAuth 2.0 to