Developer Support


Create Your App Market Listing

Your app's market listing is one of your biggest marketing tools and tells users what your app is for, how it can help them, and how much it costs. This is your chance to make a great first impression and stand

Send Marketing Emails

You can send out marketing emails to let Wix users know about new features and more. Just make sure to follow these guidelines: Let users unsubscribe: Make sure the email has an unsubscribe option. Make it c

Localize Your App

Localizing your app is a great way to get more users. We have over 220 million users worldwide – and many of them aren’t native English speakers. To appeal to and benefit more users around the world, we strongl

Promote Your App

Once your app is live on the Wix App Market, you may want to do some self-promotion to engage new and existing users. There are several ways to do this: Send marketing emails. Add our App Market badge to you

Add a Promotional Banner

We occasionally pick apps to promote in the App Market. They could appear in the Trending Now section, or in other curated collections. If we do choose your app to promote, we'll need you to supply us with a pr

View and Manage Site Visitor Email Subscriptions

If your app sends emails to a site’s users, it’s really important to make sure you don’t send emails to anyone that’s unsubscribed from that site’s mailing list. This will help you to comply with regulations re