Developer Support
How to Downgrade a User
1 min read
Last updated on Dec 9, 2022
Users can turn off the auto-renewal of the app's paid plan at any time. If you receive a webhook notifying you of an auto-renewal cancellation, take note that just because the auto-renewal is off, doesn't mean they aren't currently a paying customer.
You can't downgrade the user until their subscription ends at the end of the month or year, depending on your app’s payment plan.
How to know when to downgrade a user's plan
Users are considered paying customers until the package they paid for has expired. Until the expiration date, they've paid for a plan and their App Instance will include the package ID in the vendorProductId property. Once their paid plan expires, we’ll automatically change the value of vendorProductId property to “null” – that’s when you should activate the app’s free plan.
Read more about implementing paid plan features for paying users.
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