Test Your App as a Contributor

Check your app as a contributor and as a site owner – you’ll want to make sure only site owners can see any sensitive information in your app.
  1. Invite yourself to be a contributor, using a different email address than the one you use to log in to your Wix site.
  2. Accept the invitation (you’ll need to create another Wix account for the contributor).
  3. Test your app as each type of user – site owner and contributor.
  4. Note that in the client side Instance, the uid will not match the siteOwnerId if the user is a contributor.
  5. Ensure data or settings that should only be available to the site owner are not be accessible to site contributors. Here's what it should look like in the app dashboard, and in apps with a settings panel.
  6. Contributors could be allowed to access one website, but not others. Even if the app was set up using the same email address, their contributors are likely to be different, so it shouldn't be possible for contributors to switch between "Websites" inside of the app.