Developer Support
iframe Query Parameters for Components
4 min read
Last updated on Feb 17, 2023
Internal dashboard component
Name | Value | Comments |
endpoint | ||
instance | The signed instance | The App Instance ID (instanceId) is the unique identifier of your app within a specific user's website. |
locale | Current local value | This is the browser's language identified with two characters. E.g., English = en |
cacheKiller | The cacheKiller is there to ensure no caching of the iframe content by the host browser | This is a randomly generated number to ensure the browser has not seen this URL before |
viewMode | Will only get 'dashboard' as it's an iframe dashboard component | |
isPublish | Boolean indicating if the site is published | |
containerProtocol | Indicates if it's HTTP or HTTPS | |
siteUrl | The address of the site the app belongs to | Relevant only if the site has already been published |
Widget component
Widget iframe components aren't available for all users right now. If you'd like to request access you can submit a proposal.
Name | Value | Comments |
endpoint | The Widget URL as supplied during the app registration in the Wix Developers Center | |
compId | The ID of the Widget component | While the instanceId remain constant within the scope of the site, each iframe will have a unique and persistent compId |
viewMode | Current view mode | "editor" or "site". "editor" is valid inside the Wix editor, while "site" is available only in a published website |
deviceType | Current device type | "desktop" or "mobile" |
locale | Current locale value | |
originCompId | ID of the original widget that the user copied (or cut) | When a user copies (or cuts) a widget, this query parameter appears in the pasted widget. Use it to retrieve the original widget’s design, layout, and other settings |
width | The width of the iframe in pixels | |
instance | The signed instance | The App Instance ID (instanceId) is the unique identifier of your app within a specific user's website. |
Widget app settings panel
Name | Value | Comments |
endpoint | The App Settings URL as supplied during the app registration in the Wix Developers Center | |
compId | The compId value for the app settings is always tpaSettings | |
instance | The signed instance | The App Instance ID (instanceId) is the unique identifier of your app within a specific user's website. |
locale | Current locale value | |
originCompId | The ID of the component which associated with the App Settings | The origCompId identifies the current component that the user is editing |
width | The width of the iframe in pixels |
Page component
Name | Value | Comments |
endpoint | The Widget URL as supplied during the app registration in the Wix Developers Center | |
viewMode | Current view mode | "editor" or "site". "editor" is valid inside the Wix editor, while "site" is available only in a published website |
deviceType | Current device type | "desktop" or "mobile" |
locale | Current locale value | This is the browser's language identified with two characters. E.g., English = en |
width | The width of the iframe in pixels | The frame height will auto-adjust depending on the frame content |
instance | The signed instance | The App Instance ID (instanceId) is the unique identifier of your app within a specific user's website. |
target | Attribute that must be added to all href anchors within the Page iframe | |
sectionUrl | The base URL of the Page component | |
app-state | The inner state of the Page component | The app-state part of the URL may include a query string, but must not include a # |
compId | The ID of the component | While the instanceId remain constant within the scope of the site, each iframe will have a unique and persistent compId |
Page app settings panel
Name | Value | Comments |
endpoint | The App Settings URL as supplied during the app registration in the Wix Developers Center | |
compId | The compId value for the app settings is always tpaSettings | |
instance | The signed instance | The App Instance ID (instanceId) is the unique identifier of your app within a specific user's website. |
locale | Current locale value | This is the browser's language identified with two characters. E.g., English = en |
origCompId | The ID of the component which associated with the App Settings | The origCompId identifies the current component that the user is editing |
width | The width of the iframe in pixels |
Worker component
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[endpoint]?compId=[compId]&viewMode=[viewMode]&deviceType=[device]&locale=[locale]&endpointType=worker &instance=[signed-instance-data] [endpoint]?compId=[compId]&viewMode=[viewMode]&deviceType=[device]&locale=[locale]&endpointType=worker &instance=[signed-instance-data]
Name | Value | Comments |
compId | The ID of the Worker component | While the instanceId remain constant within the scope of the site, each iframe will have a unique and persistent compId |
viewMode | Current view mode | "editor" or "site". "editor" is valid inside the Wix editor, while "site" is available only in a published website |
deviceType | Current device type | "desktop" or "mobile" |
locale | Current locale value | |
endpointType | The Worker URL as supplied during the app registration in the Dev Center | |
instance | The signed instance | The App Instance ID (instanceId) is the unique identifier of your app within a specific user's website. |
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