Get Started with the Wix Developers Center

The Wix Developers Center is where the magic happens. We've got loads of tools, APIs, and tutorials to help you start building your app right away. But first you'll need to sign up for an account.

Create an account

Go to the Wix Developers Center and sign up for an account. If you’re already a Wix user, you can log in with your Wix credentials to create a Wix Developers account.  

Start your first app

The best way to start depends on what stage your app is in:
  • If you have an idea for an app or a product that's not live yet: start planning an app or jump straight in and try out our platform. Later on, if your app is live elsewhere, feel free to submit an app proposal and tell us more about it.
  • If your app is already live with active users: submit an app proposal and tell us why you think it's a good fit for Wix users. Once you submit a proposal, you can create an app to try out our platform and see how it works.

Learn more

Check out the following articles to learn more about creating your app in the Wix Developers' Center: